Does Jesus fit into your beliefs?

How, or where, does Jesus fit into your beliefs?

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“How, or where, does Jesus fit into your beliefs?” was a question asked by David T.

Thanks for your question. 

I believe Jesus was/is a teacher, one of a number of developed souls who came to the Earth (and are still coming) with a mission to remind us of our commitment to Love.

Jesus was/is the Son of God. But…

But arguably so were all the people, the rocks and living things around him, back then and now, sons and daughters of God. Jesus was/is further along the path we all have to travel in getting home, back to Love.

So, to answer your question more directly I believe Jesus was, for intents and purposes, a human being with an advanced soul. He came to help point the way that we all must travel.[ How, or where, does Jesus fit into your beliefs ]

Love's Story book imageI am currently writing a book that will explain my views much further on the issue of our return to Love [Update: this book is now written; called Love’s Story of Why We Are Here].

Associated links:

Why does god not intervene?
Do you believe in God?
Where did we come from?
Do you believe in Angels?
Does heaven and hell really exist?

Disclaimer: The views expressed in this post are entirely the opinion of the author, Francis O’Neill. No guarantee is given that the information provided is correct, complete, and, or up-to-date.

Category: God & religion
Tags: God, Jesus, Love, Spiritual Q & A

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