Life and Death: Making Sense Of It Life and Death: Making Sense of It
Life and Death: Making Sense of It is a “hard-core” mind, body & spirit book – as featured on:
It answers some big questions we don’t like to talk about…
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This book offers a thought-provoking spiritual perspective on our lives…
It’s a straight-talking book. It addresses: [ Life and Death Making Sense of It ]
4The spiritual purpose to our lives
4What could await us on the “Other Side”
It includes discussion on:
- Human evolution
- The growth of consciousness
- Ghosts and the paranormal
- Near-death experience (NDE)
- Past lives of children
- Karma and reincarnation
- The afterlife experience
- Who we are as spiritual beings
The book explores life and death from a down-to-earth, thought-provoking, challenging, sometimes humorous, spiritual perspective.
It raises questions and evidence for the afterlife through the range of areas listed that also includes mediumship.
It offers insight on the nature of the soul, karma, and the Other Side.
Read review on… I’m Loving Books (note, the book is in a previous jacket in this review.)
Get a new and wholesome perspective on life and the afterlife…
This book has the potential to change the world view of its readers… Joanne Harrington, editor (PublishNation UK)
This book will provide you with a perspective on dying, and what happens afterwards, that you possibly haven’t considered yet, nor believed could exist.
…makes you turn a corner in your mind; and it has a life changing effect on you. Beautiful… Tiger Lily72
The book will give you real hope and optimism about survival, from a point of reason rather than based on blind faith and fear-laden religious belief.
Great voyage of discovery – final chapter moved me to tears… Annie L.
The book will help you to grasp what the soul is, what karma is, why reincarnation and what we call the “Other Side” are so important to understanding our existence.
The Book Is Brilliant. Thought Provoking, Easy To Read, I Couldn’t Put It Down… H. Dyal
…Read more reviews
Still uncertain? Try before you buy! Take a look/read of the Introduction.
Book specs
Life and Death Making Sense of It is available in paperback (ISBN: 9780993462610) and ebook versions – Kindle, EPUB (ISBN: 9780993462603), MOBI and PDF (ISBN: 9780993462627).
The paperback version has 324 pages and includes Contents, Notes & References (at the end of each chapter), a Bibliography and Index. The PDF version includes the same. The other ebook versions include the Contents and a referenced Bibliography.
Published by Some Inspiration Publications
You can also order through any “bricks and mortar” bookshop.
Overview of chapters
Get an inside look at the book with full Introduction: download PDF from here.
The Introduction tells you about how the author came to write this book. It also provides an overview of the chapters, and includes one (of a number of) disturbing experience that made him start to think about paranormal and spiritual matters.
Raised a Christian. At a young age, he wanted to be a priest. By his twenties however he had become an atheist and existentialist in his beliefs. [ Life and Death Making Sense of It ]
Later, following a series of odd paranormal experiences, and reading a book by CG Jung, he began what has turned into a lifelong quest to better understand life and death. And with it, to pin down a sound spiritual argument for why we are here, and where we are heading.
Chapter 1 The Good Life
What is The Good Life? If we are secure, with all or most of our material needs and ambitions being met, are we living the good life?
There is nothing wrong with wanting the good life and getting it, but could there be anything missing from the matrix we take onboard? This chapter suggests our approach to life may be good but, for a great many of us, incomplete, lacking something…
Chapter 2 Are you ready for this?
Have you considered what is coming, just over that horizon, just around that corner; and are you prepared for it?
Death is something we all face and most of us fear, but ignoring it doesn’t make it go away. It is an important part of our lives, a part of a cycle that needs to be better understood.[ Life and Death Making Sense of It ]
This chapter raises the serious matter of death, and with it a series of life questions. These are amongst the bigger questions we can ask ourselves about life; and they set things in context and give focus for the book. Also includes Shades of Pascals Wager.
Chapter 3 Fringe Benefits
Could we, in our wildest dreams, learn anything about ourselves from reports of paranormal events and experiences? Could people who have had a near-death experience, or those who have discovered they had a previous life, through past-life-recall, possibly provide us with valuable insight into the true nature of our existence? More broadly, could there be any benefit to our understanding of life and death by exploring what are often described as fringe matters and beliefs?
This chapter looks at the supportive evidence for there being life after death.
Chapter 4 Out of the Garden
What happened around 50,000 years ago?
Is life just a random chance outcome, the product of evolution, a hit or miss affair – or is there a plan, an intelligence operating behind it? Are we human beings any different from the rest of the animal kingdom, and if so in what way are we different? And did something happen, dramatic by evolutionary standards, around 50,000 years ago that made us what we are today?
This chapter looks at the rise of consciousness and considers when this came on and what might lie behind this development.
Chapter 5 The Soul Question
Does such a thing as the soul exist? If so what is its nature and where is it? And further, if given each one of us has, or is, a soul, what does that mean in context with life and death?
This chapter explores the concept of the soul. It considers the Christian soul-body belief and Day of Judgement being a distortion. It offers an esoteric description instead, and its links with karma.
The chapter also includes the author’s experience of learning of his past lives.
Chapter 6 The Other Side
Is there an Other Side, a place we go to after death, and if there is what is it like, and where is it?
This chapter discusses life after death in context with what we know of the Other Side – from people who claim to have been there and returned, or have been told. through their mediumship. The exploration might have tones of familiarity to us as, the author argues, most of us will have spent more time there than here.[ Life and Death Making Sense of It ]
Chapter 7 Life and Death Making sense of it
After all we have covered, have we made sense of life and death?
This concluding chapter revisits the arguments and concerns of the book. It emphasises the main spiritual message of the book, coupling with spiritual urgency. It also proposes how matters raised in the book might be better covered and included in our educational systems.
Appendix: Six Months to Live
Imagine you have been given six months to live. Things are urgent, but it is also a useful chunk of time. What might you do to get your act together and be able to say, on the Other Side of physical life, you made some headway in the time that was left? If you have a clear idea, of what to act on, then great, but if not then I press you to consider applying the stepping stones in this appendix.
Available in eBook or Paperback from all good bookshops, including:
Francis O’Neill Author bio[ Love’s Story of Why We Are Here ]
Associated links:
Love’s Story of Why We Are Here
The Master Key System
Steps to Health Wealth & Inner Peace
Hi Francis,
Just watched your video for your book – it is brilliant – perfect in fact. Annie’s music too was just right. Well done!
Hope your sales are going well.
Thanks Andrea
That means a lot.