Can a birth-chart predict likeabililty and popularity?
Can a birth-chart predict likeabililty and popularity? The original question: Is it possible for a person’s birth chart to predict their likability or popularity among others? I originally answered this question on Quora.
I would put it this way: It is (of course) possible for a person’s birth-chart to provide insight into their potential “likeability or popularity.”
One can, for example, easily take stock of their introversion/extraversion tendencies from their chart, and note how this ties in with their rising sign, Sun and Moon signs and houses.
An emphasis of positive signs tends towards outgoingness and interaction with others. An emphasis of negative signs tends towards ingoingness and often less need of interaction with others.
But let me try to make something (of what I believe) clear here, in context with our being human. An astrological birth-chart represents, in symbolical form, the Time situation a soul has entered into, and the potential that springs from that.
What a soul does with their situation ultimately depends upon them and how self-awake they are (conscious or unconscious) to the tendencies within them, and life choices they are making.
In this scenario, use of word “predict” should be handled with care.
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