Need a Birth-chart?
Having your own birth-chart is essential to learning astrology, and for working through Beyond Your Star Sign course listed on this site. If you have yet to get yours drawn up, you will find you can get it done on a number of websites including here – see below.
If you are also interested to begin using astrology software to erect birth-charts yourself, some for which are for free, go to the article Erecting Birth-charts for help on this.
Getting your birth-chart through me
This is what it will look like…
Top left your details and house system. Next right the planets and their position. Bottom left the aspect grid. Bottom right the elements grid. And right of centre your chart dial. The chart is A4 size and delivered as a PDF. Only £4.97
Important note: if you have signed up for the Learn How to Read a Birth-chart course, your chart will be provided as part of the course. Follow the instructions for access to your chart through the course itself.
Two step process: To order a birth-chart, do the following:
1. Fill in the form below
Please read the Guidance Notes) regarding the birth data of the person the chart is for, and click the Submit button.
Guidance Notes
On purchase your birth-chart will be A4 size and sent, in PDF format, to the email address you supplied. Please allow for 48 hours turnaround to receive for each report ordered.
Date of birth: A reminder; please use the (UK) day/month/year format as requested in the form. This will help enormously to avoid any serious mixup on date
Time of birth: Please provide local time of birth as given, in the form of 24 hour clock (e.g. 21:51). If the actual time of birth is not immediately known, it can sometimes be found on the birth certificate or via relative/s. If not known, enter 12:00 in the time box. A general 12 noon time will then be used to construct the chart, with the date of birth provided. The resulting report will draw on the planets and signs of the birth-chart. The houses will not feature in the interpretation for reason that their value is inextricably linked to the time of birth being exact, or as near exact as possible.
Place of birth: Please provide country of birth and location. This is required to ascertain longitude and latitude of the birth. If born in a small village, that may be hard to locate, please also provide the nearest town to help with locating correct longitude and latitude.
House system: Please note the default house system used in all products is the Placidus House system. This is the system that we find works best. If you are familiar with another house system, and prefer to have this instead, please indicate your preferred house system in the Further Comment box.
To order your birth-chart, please enter details below. All fields except "optional" required.
A confirmation email will be sent to the address you give on this form.
Any information you supply with regards to ordering the product will not be shared with any person or organisation outside of Some Inspiration. Such birth data will be kept offline and only for as long as the transaction requires. To find out more about your rights read our Privacy Policy.
2. Next, click the Add to Basket button to purchase your report. This is done via PayPal.
Birth-chart | Price £4.97 | Add to Basket |
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