Why am I facing so much financial hardship along with health issues? My DOB is September 10, 1995 at 11:55 AM in Sitapur
“Why am I facing so much financial hardship along with health issues? My DOB is September 10, 1995 at 11:55 AM in Sitapur.” was a question I answered on Quora.
Following your direct message request to me, and telling me about what you are going through right now; here’s something to think on. I’m not doing a chart reading here but picking up on an obvious point or two.
This is from a Western astrological perspective. I would have thought you’d have enough to go on from the Vedic astrologers. I hope this doesn’t create more conflict for you – in your understanding.
From a Western perspective, you have Sagittarius rising, with Jupiter conjunct the ascendant. This is a strongly positive and optimistic theme. You’ll tend to project a person who sees the glass as half-full – rather than half-empty. I suspect you can normally draw into your life what you want and be fine.

But notice (in the illustration) you have a pretty much loaded 2nd house with Uranus and Neptune. Keynotes of Uranus are drama and change. Keynotes of Neptune are illusion and transformation. The 2nd house is all about money, possessions, security.
I’m sure you have learnt to live with the potential peaks and troughs of this arrangement. Certainly, if you play the market and shares you will know what I mean by that.
But there is something else that has added to this challenging concoction. Pluto has been moving through your 2nd house for some time. From around early 2019 it linked up first with Neptune and then came up to link up with Uranus – and still very present at this point.
So, if you are feeling insecure, having negative thoughts, it would not surprise me, with this arrangement. This is like taking your ship into and through a storm with huge seas/swells. All in the 2nd house of what you own. This is/has been a challenging period. I hope you are learning from it.
You can either sit this trend out by trusting your ship is watertight enough to get you through. Or you can take appropriate action. Pluto will want to get rid of any deadwood you are carrying – to be your more authentic self. You have to lift your spiritual health/endeavours in whatever way that means for you. You certainly need to listen to your heart for the passage through this storm/Time period.
If sitting tight, consider that Pluto is going direct on the 11th Oct and then moving away from the two planets. It will still be in your 2nd house for some time but I’d anticipate the storm will be gradually passing. Odd to say, but try and make the best use of it.
I hope this helps.
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